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| public class RevenueRepository { private readonly SqlConnection _conn; private readonly ILogger<RevenueRepository> _logger; public RevenueRepository(ILogger<RevenueRepository> logger, SqlConnection conn) { _logger = logger; _conn = conn; }
public IEnumerable<SeasonRevenueIncrease> GetSeasonRevenueIncrease(int year, int season) { return _conn.Query<SeasonRevenueIncrease>( @"select ThisSeason.*, stockinfo.stock_name, LastYearSeason.eps last_year_eps, (Convert(decimal(10,2),ThisSeason.eps) - Convert(decimal(10,2),LastYearSeason.eps))/Convert(decimal(10,2),ThisSeason.eps)*100 increase_eps_rate from ( SELECT stock_id, [基本每股盈餘(元)] eps, Convert(bigint,replace([營業毛利(毛損)淨額],',','')) gross_profit, Convert(bigint,replace([營業收入],',','')) operating_income FROM (SELECT stock_id, item, value FROM SeasonReport WHERE year =@year and season =@season and type = 1 ) AS SourceTable PIVOT ( max(value) FOR item IN ( [公司名稱], [基本每股盈餘(元)],[營業毛利(毛損)淨額], [營業收入]) ) AS temp ) ThisSeason, ( SELECT stock_id, [基本每股盈餘(元)] eps, Convert(bigint,replace([營業毛利(毛損)淨額],',','')) gross_profit, Convert(bigint,replace([營業收入],',','')) operating_income FROM (SELECT stock_id, item, value FROM SeasonReport WHERE year =@last_year and season =@season and type = 1 ) AS SourceTable PIVOT ( max(value) FOR item IN ( [公司名稱], [基本每股盈餘(元)],[營業毛利(毛損)淨額], [營業收入]) ) AS temp ) LastYearSeason, (select distinct stock_id, stock_name from TaiwanStockInfo) stockinfo where ThisSeason.stock_id = LastYearSeason.stock_id and ThisSeason.stock_id = stockinfo.stock_id and ThisSeason.eps > LastYearSeason.eps and Convert(decimal,ThisSeason.eps) > 0 order by increase_eps_rate desc", new { year, season, last_year = year - 1 } ); } }